Jeff, what’s the future of JS & Colorado?
“It was a problem solution, but recently I decided to cover for Jeff Scroggins and Colorado. Our last night was at the Joe Val Festival. It was a cheerful weekend, and it was useful to finish it so positively. It was a positive stunning band and we went on an amazing journey together, but the time seemed right to move on. It wasn’t an easy decision; the team was always on an upward trajectory before the end, and I hoped that, as if it were over, the team and its accomplices would gain the great recognition that I found they deserved and deserve. Nevertheless, downsizing and logistics have frozen infinitely complex, and spending has prepared the expansion of the service to be infinitely difficult. I was losing money for many concerts, the causality of the road was expensive, and no matter how much I liked to do it, and no matter how excellent the painting was (and was), I was in no position to renew it. I am very proud of Tristan, I am happy and excited about what is happening in his life now and I am also excited about the recent changes in my life. My gut reminded me that it is time to move on and I am excited to be able to move in a new direction.